Hon'ble Prime Minister
Hon'ble Chief Minister
Uttar Pradesh
Hon'ble Cabinet Minister
Women Welfare Child
Development and Nutrition, Government of Uttar Pradesh
Hon'ble Minister of State
Women Welfare Child
Development and Nutrition, Government of Uttar Pradesh
This includes supplementary feeding and growth monitoring; and prophylaxis against vitamin A deficiency and control of nutritional anaemia. All families in the community are surveyed, to identify children below the age of six and pregnant & nursing mothers. They avail of supplementary feeding support for 300 days in a year. By providing supplementary feeding, the Anganwadi attempts to bridge the caloric gap between the national recommended and average intake of children and women in low income and disadvantaged communities.
Immunization of pregnant women and infants protects children from six vaccine preventable diseases-poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, tuberculosis and measles. These are major preventable causes of child mortality, disability, morbidity and related malnutrition. Immunization of pregnant women against tetanus also reduces maternal and neonatal mortality.
Our Values
Children (age group of 3-6 years) get Pre-primary education as vital part of the Integrated Child Development Project.
Malnourished kids between 7 months – 6 yrs , pregnant, lactating mothers, are offered supplementary nutrition.
Anganwadi vaccinates children and pregnant women, health check-up of pregnant women
Types of Supplementary Nutrition
For Children in this age group, States/ UTs may ensure continuation of current guidelines of early initiation (within one hour of birth) and exclusive breast-feeding for children for the first 6 months of life..
For children in this age group, the existing pattern of Take Home Ration (THR) under the ICDS Scheme will continue. However, in addition to current mixed practice of giving either dry or raw ration (wheat and rice), THR should be given in the form that is palatable to the child.
For the children in this age group, State/ UTs have been requested to make arrangements to serve Hot Cooked Meal in AWCs and mini-AWCs under the ICDS Scheme. States/ UTs may provide 500 calories over more than one meal. States/ UTs may arrange morning snack in the form of milk/banana/ egg/ etc.
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